Virtual Puzzle

Willem de Kooning Academy
Elective VR Project

During this elective VR project, we were explained in basics how to setup and design a simple 3D space to use a VR kit with. From measurements to developing assets to be used, we were introduced to the workflow of producing a VR setting. I took the opportunity to delve further into it while we were at it, with my basic 3D affinity, I could theorize what my goal was from the beginning.

I wanted to add some interactive elements to it, creating a sort of VR puzzle for the participant to play around with. More then just converting a 3D scene to a VR-capable one, adding more in order to justify the use. I experimented with it in different iteration, working through stages to the final result that includes interactivity, mostly for fun. It's a base framework to see what else can be done, for different purposes for different goals.

Incorporated music is royalty free.

The first sort-of iteration came from a preset for a FPS platformer game. I used taught methods to map out a simple map to jump around in and test features out. 
Another test with more in-depth assets, such as animations, soundtracks and more. This was also VR-capable, where these characters would dance vigorously while you stand there.
Here's footage of yours truly playing it, showing the new things working in tandem. With basic code, provided by the tutor at hand, who I bothered enough to help me out with, We set up nodes that would recognize objects entering it's parameters at the bottom of the cylinder and tie to animations for both the bridge and door to each of the separate cylinders. Technically, it's possible to 'jump' across the gap to end position. With this proof-of-concept, a VR version of a puzzle game would be feasible. 

Initially, I wanted the player to enter numbers in a 3D numpad to open the door with the correct letter configuration. Due to the complications, I decided to simplify it with the current iteration, which added much more interactivity and fun to the mix.
Last is footage of an unlucky unfortunate who was nice enough to test it out for me, here's him trying it out.

With this project, I found out the potential hidden within VR and am very interested in developing it further when possible.
Virtual Puzzling

Virtual Puzzling
